quinta-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2015

Next Session - 17th December

In next week's session, instead of a text, we will use one of the videos provided by Luís Moniz Pereira a few weeks ago to start the conversation. The objective is that the group as a whole discusses the subject, preparing his or her own input beforehand. Everyone is welcome to mention any relevant articles or books, and to establish links to other fields.

Continuing the family thread of the previous session, I propose we discuss the video "Assuntos de Família". You can access it here: (use the password saraielt). Please watch it before the session.

To anyone interested in having a look at the other videos Luís provided, you can see them here (please use the same password).

Luís also kindly shared the link for his talk "Counterfactuals, Logic Programming and Agent Morality", here:

L. M. PereiraCounterfactuals, Logic Programming and Agent Morality, Invited talk, School of Computing University of Teesside, Middlesbrough, 2 December 2015.  Slides   Talk Audio (.mp3)   Talk Audio (.dss)

See you there! (room 1.05, 11am)

terça-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2015

Next Session - December 17th

The next and last session of 2015 will happen on December 17th, Thursday, at 11 am, room 1.05. 

Texts will be circulated in advance.

See you there!

There will be no session this Thursday (3rd)

Audio File - Session 11

You can hear the audio for session 11 here

sexta-feira, 13 de novembro de 2015

Next Session - November 19, 2015

For the next session, Sara Silva proposes a discussion on the interrelations between literature and science.


The first part of the meeting will explore the intersections between Charles Darwin’s theory of sexual selection and Edward Bulwer Lytton’s satirical depiction of gender in his utopian novel The Coming Race (1871), disclosing the Victorian fascination with theories of evolution whilst exposing nineteenth-century widespread stereotypes regarding gender. Text here

The second part invites a reflection on sibling rivalry from an evolutionary psychology perspective by analysing a variant of the folktale type ATU 315 - The Faithless Sister, entitled "Clever Daniel". Texts hereherehere and here.

Salmon, C. A. & Hehman, J. (2015).  Sibling conflict:  The role of relatedness, sex, and sources of conflict.  Evolutionary Psychological Sciences, 1, 123-129.

Salmon, C. A., & Hehman, J. A.  (2014).  The evolutionary psychology of sibling conflict and siblicide.  In T. K. Shackelford & R. D. Hansen (Eds.),  The Evolution of Violence (pp. 137-157).  New York:  Springer.

Salmon, C. A. & Shackelford, T. K.  (2011).  Towards an evolutionary psychology of the family.  In C. A. Salmon & T. K. Shackelford (Eds.),  The Oxford Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology.  Oxford University Press.

Until Thursday! 

(11 am, room 1.05 ID Building)

quarta-feira, 11 de novembro de 2015

Audio File - Session 10

You can now hear the audio file for session 10, led by Ludwig Krippahl, here:



(The videos mentioned in the meeting will be made available soon. The texts for the next session (Thursday 19) will be announced until Friday 13. Check soon for updates!)

domingo, 1 de novembro de 2015

Next Session - November 5, 2015

And...we're back!!!

From now on, sessions will take place on Thursdays at 11 am. 

The next one will be led by Ludwig Krippahl, professor at the Department of Computer Science at the Faculty of Science and Technology of the New University of Lisbon, and member of CENTRIAthe research Centre for Artificial Intelligence, who proposes a discussion on the "merits and demerits" of Evolutionary Psychology. 

Evolutionary Psychology: a good framework?

Evolutionary Psychology is an approach to understanding human behaviour on the assumption that the mechanisms responsible for our cognition and behaviour are mainly the result of evolution through natural selection. If this is so, then we should find common features of human behaviour and psychology that match what would have been selected for during our evolution (our “environment of evolutionary adaptedness”, a term coined by John Bolby in 1969). This framework has been used to propose evolutionary explanations in controversial topics such as rape, intersexual violence and mate choice. For example, the proposal by Thornhill and Palmer that rape and sexual coercion are mate choice strategies that can increase evolutionary fitness in some cases (1) led to criticisms that evolutionary psychology was trying to justify rape (2).

Other, better informed, criticisms focus the assumption that our behaviour is directly linked to specialized modules evolved to elicit some behaviour patterns instead of resulting from more general processes that allow us to learn behaviours from social interaction. However, this may not be an actual problem for evolutionary psychology but just a matter of distinguishing between more plastic aspects of our behaviour from more fundamental tendencies that result from evolutionary pressures.

I propose a brief discussion on the merits and demerits of evolutionary psychology based on four papers. The first is David Buss' 1995 paper introducing evolutionary psychology (3); the second is a criticism of evolutionary psychology by David Buller (4); and the third and fourth are research papers on sex differences in aggression, presenting both experimental results and evolutionary explanations (5,6).

1- Thornhill, Randy, and Craig T. Palmer. A natural history of rape: Biological bases of sexual coercion. MIT press, 2001.
2- «Thornhill and Palmer were careful not to take their analysis as any kind of moral mandate for rape; it was, rather, an evolutionary explanation of why men rape. They insist that their interest is in helping rather than harming women. Nonetheless some critics understood their analysis to justify rape, and, at least, to give some comfort to rapists» .Richardson, Robert C. Evolutionary psychology as maladapted psychology. Cambridge, MA: MIT press, 2007.
3- Buss, David M. "Evolutionary psychology: A new paradigm for psychological science." Psychological inquiry 6.1 (1995): 1-30.
4- Buller, David, “Evolutionary Psychology: A Critique”, in M. Nani and M.Marraffa (eds.), A Field Guide to the Philosophy of Mind, (http://host.uniroma3.it/progetti/kant/field/ep.htm), 2000.
5- Archer, John. "Does sexual selection explain human sex differences in aggression?." Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32.3-4 (2009): 249-266.
6- Vaillancourt, Tracy, and Aanchal Sharma. "Intolerance of sexy peers: Intrasexual competition among women." Aggressive behavior 37.6 (2011): 569-577.

The four texts can be found here

See you on Thursday at 11 am! (The room will be confirmed shortly).

domingo, 21 de junho de 2015

And so will we! 

Check back in September for updates.

In the meantime, have a great summer!

Audio File - Session 9

The audio file for session 9, led by Francisco José Diaz Marcilla, is available to listen here:



quarta-feira, 3 de junho de 2015

Next Session - June 9, 2015

In this next session, Francisco José Diaz Marcilla invites important reflections on the history of emotions from an evolutionary perspective, tackling, among others, questions of gender. He has selected the following texts for discussion:

See you there!

segunda-feira, 18 de maio de 2015

terça-feira, 14 de abril de 2015

Session 8 - April 21st

‘The Thousand and One Nights’ stories and the therapeutic power of Sahrãzad’s tales

Gianni Dagliu Orti, Turkish and Islamic Art Museum.

In this session, Ana Rodrigues will explore the therapeutic power of Shahrazad’s magic tales as devices used to interact with the internal contradictions of the sultan. She will investigate key details that lead both to his emotional self-control and internal transformation whilst attempting to keep, at the same time, the moral values of his culture, ultimately inviting reflections on the power of narrative in debates about morality and emotion.

Texts selected for this session include:

See you soon!

Session 7 - Audio File

The audio file for session 7, led by Catarina Rivero, is now available to listen here.



Session 6 - Audio File

The audio file for session 6, led by Ângela Lacerda Nobre, is now available to listen here.



terça-feira, 31 de março de 2015

Next Session - 7th April 2015

In this next session, Catarina Rivero will explore the role of morality and happiness in the construction of an "Equalfelicitas" society. She has selected the following two texts and one inspiring TED about the evolution of compassion.

Rivero, D'Araújo e Marujo, 2013

Morality from an Evolutionary Perspective, 2013

TED Robert Wright - Evolution of Compassion

See you there! In the meantime, wishing you all a HAPPY Easter break!

N.B. Materials from the previous session have been updated.

segunda-feira, 16 de março de 2015

Next Session - 24 March 2015

In this next session, Ângela Lacerda Nobre will establish a link between semiotics and evolution by focusing on the following table and paper:

                      Saussure's and Peirce's Interpretation of a Sign

- Saussure’s sign theory –
·         A sign is an arbitrary relation;
·         Each sign needs to be combinedwith other signs in order to produce meaning.
Sounds, letters, gestures.
Image or concept to which thesignifier refers.

- Peirce’s sign theory –
·         A sign has a triadicrelation and is the basis of the theory of signification;
·         A sign has an inbuiltcapacity to create meaning;
·         Each sign develops infinitely in a permanentcycle.
The physical sign that is to be interpreted;
“Something that does the representing” (equivalent to Saussure’s signifier).
Image or concept (equivalent to Saussure’ssignified).
“A sign in the mind”;
It becomes therepresentamen, i.e. the sign to be interpreted, as if it were a physical sign, in the next cycle.
                                                                                                from Ângela Nobre, Semiotic Learning, 2010

- Ângela Lacerda Nobre, Semiotic Learning, 2010: Semiotic Learning;

Semiotic Learning and Beyond pptx presentation;

See you there!

quarta-feira, 11 de março de 2015

Session 5 - Audio File

The audio file for session 5, led by Ana Pais, is now available to listen here.

Session 6 will take place on Tuesday, March 24, and the selected texts will be announced soon. 

See you there!

terça-feira, 3 de março de 2015

Next Session - 10 March 2015

The fifth session will be led by Ana Pais, who has selected the following texts for discussion:

- Ana Pais, "The Passive Spectator: Narratives of Affective Transmission in the Theatre" (submitted to the journal Configurations) - to access this text, please e-mail the author anapais2011@gmail.com

- and Sarah Ahmed's The Cultural Politics of Emotion.

See you there!

terça-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2015

Session 4 - Audio File

The audio file for today's session, led by Helena Barbas, is now available to listen here. 

Session 5 will take place on Tuesday, March 10, and the selected texts will be announced soon.

See you there!

terça-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2015

Next Session – 24 February 2015

The fourth session will be led by Helena Barbas, who has selected the following texts for discussion:

- and two opposing views: on the one side, computer simulation with Computationally Modeling Human Emotion, and on the other a neurological approach with Carnegie Mellon Researchers Identify Emotions Based on Brain Activity

We hope to see you there!

Session 3 - Audio File

The audio file for session 3, led by Luís Moniz Pereira http://centria.di.fct.unl.pt/~lmp/, is now available to listen here. Enjoy!

terça-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2015

Next Session - 10 February 2015

The third session will be led by Luís Moniz Pereira, who selected the following texts for discussion:

L. M. Pereira,    Evolutionary Tolerance, in: L. Magnani, L. Ping (eds.), Philosophy and Cognitive Science - Western & Eastern Studies. SAPERE series. ISSN 2192-6255, vol. 2, pp. 263-287, ISBN 978-3-642-29927-8, Springer-Verlag, 2012.

See you there!

Second Session - 27 January 2015

The second session, led by Francisco José Diaz Marcilla, focused on the History of Emotions with the discussion of a chapter by Barbara Rosenwein, one of the most well-known historians on that field. 

You can access the text here:  Problems Methods History Emotions

First Session - 13 January 2015

This first session offered a contemplation of morality through the discussion of the following texts proposed by Sara Silva:

 - Chapter 9 "Morality Binds and Blinds" from Jonathan Haidt's landmark book Righteous Minds (2012) The Righteous Mind
(also attached is his entry on morality from the Handbook of Social Psychology) haidt.kesebir

- Kurzban et al. article on Hamilton vs. Kant kurzban et al KTP in press

- A recent paper by Peter DeScioli et al. on moral values and self-interest Proc._R._Soc._B-2014-DeScioli--libre

- A rather compelling  article by Michael Petersen on  "moralisation" (2012) Moralization_as_protection