quinta-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2015

Next Session - 17th December

In next week's session, instead of a text, we will use one of the videos provided by Luís Moniz Pereira a few weeks ago to start the conversation. The objective is that the group as a whole discusses the subject, preparing his or her own input beforehand. Everyone is welcome to mention any relevant articles or books, and to establish links to other fields.

Continuing the family thread of the previous session, I propose we discuss the video "Assuntos de Família". You can access it here: (use the password saraielt). Please watch it before the session.

To anyone interested in having a look at the other videos Luís provided, you can see them here (please use the same password).

Luís also kindly shared the link for his talk "Counterfactuals, Logic Programming and Agent Morality", here:

L. M. PereiraCounterfactuals, Logic Programming and Agent Morality, Invited talk, School of Computing University of Teesside, Middlesbrough, 2 December 2015.  Slides   Talk Audio (.mp3)   Talk Audio (.dss)

See you there! (room 1.05, 11am)

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